Corals, Sponges, and Bryozoa - Jacksboro, Jack Co., TX and Bridgeport, Wise Co., TX
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Cnidaria, Class:Anthozoa Order: Tabulata
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Cnidaria, Class:Anthozoa Order: Rugosa
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Bryozoa, Class: Bryozoans
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Bryozoa, Class: Stenolaemata
Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Conularlida, Class: Conularids
This Pennsylvanian Formation in Jacksboro around the dam contains and abundance of corals, especially the horn corals of the marine environment. Below you will find some of the various types of coral found in this formation. In addition, Bryozoa and Cornilaria are found here. These are found with an abundance of crinoids and ammoniods common in the marine environment.
In Bridgeport, Wise County, we find many of the same types of corals and Bryzoan.
Jacksboro, Jack County, TX
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